Traveling by Bus. What are your options?

For those looking to truly experience all aspects of travel, enhancing the journey to your destination can breathe new life into your outdoor activities. To achieve this, folks are searching for alternative travel methods to get the most out of their trip. Busses typically take routes different than trains and certainly have better stop-offs than a one-way plane ticket. Traveling by bus creates a journey that boasts an array of mountainous panoramas, forests, lakes, and city lights, making it easy to unearth the many wonders that dot the US’ landscape. Indeed, it’s as if your trip started before reaching your destination.
As with anything else in today’s economy, all busses are not created equal - and the same goes for the bus route as well. If you’re on a budget, there are busses whose fare is certainly cheaper than their plane counterparts, making travel affordable for many. The downside is that if you’ve got time constraints, you’ll be spending much more time on the road and less time at your destination.
Bus routes also become prevalent in many areas where train routes are not available, giving the ground-based adventurer more options for travel. Many busses even allow bicycles and pets, so you’ll want to consult with your company to ensure that all of your luggage is good to go.
If you’re without a car or choosing to travel without a car - and you’re open to alternative travel routes - then your biggest decision is between airplanes, trains, and busses. For those on time constraints, planes are the obvious choice. But for everything else, you may be wondering which one is the best option. gives a great guide to some commonly traveled routes as well as what types of transportation are available.
Taking even a quick weekend excursion can be made more exciting when using a bus to travel. Pack your gear and enjoy the journey!