A bib or cloth is a garment worn hanging from the neck on the chest to protect clothing from spilling. Here at Outdoor Shopping we offer the best high quality blank, pattern, large, and cotton bibs just to name a few. A blank bib is one that normally has no pattern or print, can be white, blue, black, red, purple, pink, or grey. A pattern can be camouflage, zigzags, stripes, Etc. Cotton bibs are not disposable and are built to last, typically machine washable. Most bibs have cute funny sayings as well as images. Bibs are also frequently used by children, especially infants, but also by some adults.Great for infants, babies, washing machines, newborns, teething, feeding, baby, holidays, wholesale, high chairs, messy foods, clothing protection, toddlers, drinks, formula, waterproof, convenience, food, puree, sauce, ice cream, and lobster.