Orange Crab E-Z Strip Bait 15 Pack - Perfect Bait For Surf Fishing

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Ez strips crab orange 2 count. Species caught with fish bites fish'n strips include: red drum, black drum, pompano, whiting/kingfish, croaker, trout, salmon, spadefish, spot, sheep shead, snook. Color: orange. Scent: crab. 15 pack. Fish?¦+n strips' tough consistency make them the perfect bait for surf fishing from the beach, off a jetty, atop a pier, or from the bridge. Their design virtually guarantees they?¦+ll stay on the hook, even with the most powerful cast or in the most punishing tides or bit by the sharpest teeth. They also make a great slow trolling bait. These baits are pre-cut and ready to cast right out of the bag. Available in five colors and mimicking the scents of clam, crab, and shrimp, fish?¦+n strips attract dozens of saltwater species, making them a must-have, all-purpose saltwater bait.
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