Cordell Crawdad Super Spot Fishing Lure 3/8 Ounce - A Great Target For Game Fish
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3 3/8 ounces cordell suspending super spot. The cotton cordell suspending super spot will suspend over cover, making it a great target for game fish. Unlike other spots, this one floats until retrieved. It will run at a depth of three feet and will suspend when stopped. The cordell suspending super spot is a secret bait of the pros! Unlike other lipless crank baits, the suspending super spot dives is not a sinking bait, staying within 3 feet of the surface even when paused, perfect for working shallow grass and sluggish fish. Casts a mile even into the wind and can be worked in slow motion with lots of long pauses right on the nose of the fish. Want something to set you apart from the competition? The suspending super spot is it!
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